3. “Are Catholic priests the most important people on earth?”

Catholics know: Jesus Christ gave Catholic priests “the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven”.

Question 1: “How can Catholic priests be the most important people on earth?”

Answer: “Each Catholic priest is a living link connecting us to God, the past, the present, and our future.”


Question 2: “How do Catholic priests connect us with God?”

Answer: “Catholic priests are Living Links with The Holy Word with Which He Spoke The Catholic Church Into Being.”


Question 3: “What Word is that?”

Answer: “And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”


Question 4: “How do Catholic priests connect That Word of God to the past?”

Answer: “Jesus Personally Ordained His Disciples as The First Catholic Bishops. They Ordained the ‘second generation’ of Ordained Bishops. They Ordained their Successors. Every Catholic priest and Bishop is a ‘living link’ in a chain that reaches back for 2,000 years.”


Question 5: “Judas was at The Last Supper. Was he a Catholic Bishop, too?”

Answer: “No. He left early.”


Question 6: “Today, there are over 200,000 Catholic Parishes in the world. Are all of them led by Catholic priests who can trace their Ordination back to The Last Supper?”

Answer: “Yes. The Last Supper was the First Catholic Mass! Every Catholic in the world has ‘the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’ because Catholic priests make those ‘keys’ available.”


Question 7: “What are those ‘keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’?”

Answer: “They include Baptism, Absolution, Communion, Confirmation, Marriage, Holy Orders, and The Last Rites.


Question 8: “Do other denominations have some of those ‘keys’?

Answer: “Many have Baptism and Marriage. Only Catholics have all the other Sacraments in their entirety.”


Question 9: “I can see the Catholic connection with God, the past, and the present. How does being Catholic connect us with the future?”

Answer: “Catholics want our future to be forever in Heaven. Jesus told us who gets there! ‘You are My friends if you obey My commands.’


Question 10: “What is my future if I obey some of His ‘commands’?

Answer: Every Catholic priest knows that Jesus did not say: ‘You are My friends if you obey some of My commands’. That’s why Catholic priests are the most important people on earth.”

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Simple reasons to be Catholic: catholicfundamentlism.com
