Today, thoughts are more likely to be formed on a horizontal plane.

It’s been interesting to see the reaction to Catholic Fundamentalism’s posts on facebook.   Many of them come from a mindset with which many traditional thinkers are unfamiliar.

It is as if a curtain was drawn back, revealing the progress that the virus and his minions have made in the minds of those who are progressively younger.

 On the other hand, there are no big differences.  The enlightened of every age have always believed themselves to be brighter than their predecessors.  That endlessly repeated similarity indicates a great miracle:  God has not grown so bored with the vain posturings of each generation that He’s brought The Creation Program to an end.

One difference between children in their 20s and earlier generations is clear.  There is more outward focus on people.  Today, thoughts are more likely to be formed on a horizontal plane.    Opinions are not improved by studying more knowledgeable experts.

Now, opinions are formed and reinforced through by friends on the web.  People seek out those of like opinions.  Holding hands electronically, they traipse down the broad path to destruction, looking neither to the left nor right, up nor down.

