A billion people. Jesus chose ONE of them to lead His Church.

St. Peter and St. Paul: Early Catholic Bishops working together for God.


Question 1: “Why do Catholics take Peter so seriously they call him ‘St. Peter’?”

Answer: “The world’s population was around one billion people. Jesus spoke His Catholic Church Into Being with This Word to His Chosen person:
‘And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys of The Kingdom of Heaven.’


Question 2: “Are the chances a billion to one that Jesus know Peter was the best qualified person on earth to set up The Church He Spoke Into Being on earth?”

Answer: “Everyone who meaningfully understands that Jesus IS The Second Person of The Holy Trinity knows That Word of God has echoed for 2,000 years from His Words and those spoken by Peter and His Successors.”


Question 3: “Does The Bible tell us that?”

Answer: “It is clear in Acts 15:7-21. ‘After much debate had taken place, Peter got up and said to the Apostles and the presbyters (His first Catholic Bishops and priests), ‘My brothers, you are well aware that from early days God made His choice among you that through my mouth the Gentiles would hear the word of the Gospel and believe.’


Question 4: “Can anyone who is meaningfully Christian see that ‘God made His choice among you that through my mouth the gentiles would hear the word of The Gospel and believe’?”

Answer: “Everyone who Thinks Clearly knows it was ‘God’s choice’ that put Peter and his Successors in charge of His Only Church on earth.”


Question 5: “Who would argue with God?”

Answer: “The world is filled with self-serving confusion. Every confusion is designed by the devil to keep people from being in The Only Church Jesus Christ Spoke Into Being.”


Question 6: “How can we tell if a person is deluded by self-serving confusion?”

Answer: “Confused people believe ‘I know more than Jesus Christ about what is best for me and my neighbors.’


Question 7: “Does every evil on earth come from people who think they know more than Jesus about what we should do?”

Answer: “Pride, envy, greed, gluttony, anger, lust, and sloth are demons. They live in the love of our opinions.”


Question 8: “What is the only cure?”

Answer: “Being in the Only Church put on earth by God! ‘And God, who knows the heart, bore witness by granting them the Holy Spirit just as he did us.’


Question 9: “Are Catholics the only people who may get into Heaven?”

Answer: “‘He made no distinction between us (those who would be known as Catholics) and them (Gentiles of good will), for by faith He purified their hearts. . . . On the contrary, we believe that we (Catholics) are saved through the grace of the Lord Jesus, in the same way as they.’


Question 10: “What did the other Catholic Bishops and priests do?”

Answer: “‘The whole assembly fell silent, and they listened while Paul and Barnabas described the signs and wonders God had worked among the Gentiles through them.’


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Simple Reasons to be Catholic. catholicfundamentalism.com

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Those who want to learn about Jesus and our soul will be blessed by reading: “The Diary of St. Faustina”.
