Jesus, the Creation Program, “through Whom all things exist”.

Tuesday’s Daily Reading, like yesterday’s, gives support to the Catholic Fundamentalism idea that Jesus Christ may be seen as The Program, in perfect human form.  He came to earth to provide access to Heaven for those who could, by His coming, be saved if they so chose.

Today’s Reading is from 1 Hebrews 2: 5-12 and contains the following passage:

For it was fitting that He,
for Whom and through Whom all things exist,

in bringing many children to glory,
should make the leader to their salvation perfect through suffering.
He who consecrates
and those who are being consecrated all have one origin.”

The puzzling passage within the reading is here repeated:  “For it was fitting that He, for Whom and through Whom all things exist,“.
It is more easily understood when we consider it from the point of view that Jesus is The Creation Program, that He took human form, came among us, and left His Church with us to provide the opportunity for each human program to believe and obey sufficiently to spend eternity with The Loving Programmer, the Fullness of The Program, and the Holy Wireless Connector in joy otherwise unobtainable forever.
To gain that eternal and everlasting joy of having our soul uploaded to The Holy Trinity, we human programs have to make the right decisions on earth.  To be saved, we must choose to believe and obey The Operating Instructions downloaded for us in Church and Scripture.
The most complicated sub-Program in the early Creation Program was the Adam Program.  That was soon modified and re-downloaded.  That modification and subsequent download was the Eve Program.  Those two sub-Programs were programmed and downloaded with the ability to replicate human programs within the larger Creation Program, the entirety of which had been previously downloaded for the precise purpose of giving each human program ample opportunities to freely make the necessary choices to be saved.
Since we must be free to choose belief or apostasy, The Creation Program has within it all that we need to make choices.  It has layers of sedimentary rock, for instance.  We can choose to believe they are billions of years old, or that they were laid down by The Flood.  Within the layers is a fossil record that we can believe to be ancient, or that it simply reflects which animals sank first in that Flood.
The Creation Program has distant galaxies.  We may freely choose to think they are billions of years old.  Or, we can with equal validity believe that The Loving Programmer had angels copy and paste countless galaxy programs as far as we could see, simply to provide us with free will.
Jesus, The Creation Program in human form, left us with the choices.  He also left us with The Church and Sacraments to help us make the right decisions to be saved.
