Most of Creation is programmed to work automatically.

The involuntary muscles work in digesting, breathing, and other “automatic” functions of our body’s organs.  They don’t take a lot of thought.  Involuntary muscles go on working, day and night.  They are noticed only when they aren’t operating properly.

Voluntary muscles work at will.  They type, kick balls, drive cars, and do all the things we choose, or are made, to do.

This division of our musculature into two types reflects The Creation Program.  Most ongoing processes in it are “involuntary”.  The sun and stars emit light because that’s what He programmed them to do.   Moons revolve around planets and planets around suns because that’s what they were programmed to do.  Most of Creation is programmed to work automatically.

Our planet’s crust surrounds a huge, thermonuclear reactor, a key part of the earth’s “involuntary” program.   Decaying uranium and thorium were programmed to provide tremendous amounts of heat.  The Earth Program was written to insulate the surface from subterranean heat so we human programs aren’t cooked.  The Earth Program was also designed so the heat of the decaying uranium and thorium would produce lots of hydrocarbons.

The ongoing production of hydrocarbons by the heat deep underground provides oil, gas, and all the chemicals made from it.

All the Involuntary processes around us work together to provide us human programs with free will.  They work so well that each of us is perfectly free to examine our surroundings and conclude:  “We, and everything around us, came into being by an accident.  From that, things evolved to where we are, today.”

Each human program is also free to believe:  “Everything was programed and downloaded by The Loving Programmer.  He wanted every human soul, the essence around which each mind and body is downloaded, to have an opportunity to spend a joyful eternity with Him.  Being close to He Who programmed us is the only way our tiny programs can find the true fulfillment for which they were programmed.”

Human programs are written and downloaded with the most free will of any program in The Creation Program.  Angels have free will, but only once.  People who have studied them have told us:  “Angels cannot change their minds.  If they stop being obedient, they are automatically ejected from The Loving Programmer’s presence, never to return.”  We human programs can sin and be forgiven many times.

It is important that we, the “voluntary” beings for whom the entire, largely automatic Creation Program was written and downloaded, are on the right side at the moment our days in the clay come to an end, and we go to Judgment.

