#7. Why do The Profiteers of Protestantism avoid Jesus on The Cross?

Catholics are grateful for reminders of the Agony that Jesus Christ suffered for us.

Every Catholic Church has an image of Jesus Christ, nailed to a cross! Every person asks three questions:

1. ‘Who is that?’

2. ‘Why was He crucified?’

3. ‘Who crucified Him?’

Question 1: “Jesus said that He came to ‘separate sheep from goats’. How did Jesus separate His obedient ‘sheep’ from other people in the world?”

Answer: “Jesus left us His Teachings and His life. The more we try to obey The Words and Examples of Jesus, the closer we are to being among the people whose souls He lets into Heaven.


Question 2: “Whose souls does Jesus let into Heaven?”

Answer: Jesus was very clear about that! He told us: “You are My friends if you obey My commands.”


Question 3: “How do we know if we are among His obedient ‘friends’?”

Answer: “His obedient ‘friends’ gratefully obey The Holy Word with Which Jesus Spoke The Catholic Church Into Being.”


Question 4: “With what Words did Jesus Christ Speak That Church Into Being?”

Answer: “And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

That Word of Jesus Christ echoes through the Age. That Word is The Catholic Church! It reverberates! Every person on earth is able to be as aware of it as they want.”


Question 5: “Jesus Christ let Himself be tortured and Crucified. Do we need to be reminded of that?”

Answer: “Catholics never want to forget to be grateful for His Sacrifice.”


Question 6: “Why do Protestant Churches avoid images of Jesus suffering in agony?”

Answer: “Their clergy do not make the Sacrifices of Chastity, Poverty, and Obedience that Catholic priests are grateful to make. They only want to think about the ‘Risen Christ’!


Question 7: “Why don’t they make those Sacrifices?”

Answer: “They do not want to be bothered.”


Question 8: “What does Jesus want people to think when they see Him nailed to a Cross?”

Answer: “Images of Jesus on The Cross force people to think and learn about He Who Fulfilled The Prophecies by shedding His Holy Blood. Jesus on The Cross connects the Time between Adam and us to God and eternity.”

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Simple reasons to be Catholic. catholicfundamentalism.com

A free book of simple reasons. http://catholicfundamentalism.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/AllTheWorldIsAStage-Final.pdf
