Lots of People Like to See Kids Destroying Their Thinking Ability

If one goes to a school board meeting to complain about children’s brains being damaged by hitting their heads against hard, fast-moving soccer balls, one finds lots of people in favor of the process.  The same people who will worry mightily, their contorted faces showing the agony they feel, about the sugar in school lunches, seem strangely oblivious about the brains being damaged from heading soccer balls.

Educational professionals, and the school boards that fund them, turn away from real problems.  They ignore the massive illiteracy that costs more than actual literacy cost previous generations.  They pay no attention to the lack of math skills caused by new, and confusing, ways of teaching arithmetic without drills or memory.  They don’t want to hear about brains being destroyed by soccer balls.

Dumbing down the future electorate ensures that those who feed on the system will continue to prosper.  A dumbed-down populace is unable to question, to solve problems, to defend the truth adequately against those who want to be unquestioned.

So, we go on seeing the crime of children’s brains being permanently damaged by soccer balls.  But, there is less sugar in the school lunches.
