Today’s Reading & Catholic Fundamentalism

Catholic Fundamentalism is based on The Loving Programmer’s ability to program every sort of structure and being.  Just as we who are programmed and downloaded in His image, can write and download programs that produce movies that appear to be real to the viewer, so The Loving Programmer has written and downloaded the vast Creation Program.  Today’s reading includes Romans 4;17:  “He is our father in the sight of God, in whom he believed, who gives life to the dead and calls into being what does not exist.

When we consider “(He) calls into being what does not exist.”, it’s hard not to realize that this passage confirms Catholic Fundamentalism’s position that “God can program in three dimensions.  The Loving Programmer can program energies and particles.  He can compile them into systems and beings, providing what we see as The Creation Program.  We, His beloved free-will creatures, are programmed and downloaded within it.”
