The Roman Empire, Declining and Falling. Again.

The Loving Programmer knew that His chosen people would reject His Holiest Download. In anticipation of that, He spent several centuries programming the countless characters in The Creation Program who would create and rule Rome.

Part of this programming included the destruction of Carthage, which greatly weakened Canaan’s Culture of Death. During the same period of Roman ascendancy the Celtic Empire, built on another false religion, was also shattered.

When His chosen people rejected Him, His holy prophets, and the good news of salvation, St. Paul and the disciples began to go over the world. They went from India to Spain, telling whomever they could about the “new empire” in which The Spirit replaced secular concerns with higher associations.

Rome did not disappear. Despite waves of Vandals and Goths, its underlying organizational principles remained and spread. The legal and political structures of Europe and the Americas was built upon its foundations.

To Catholic Fundamentalists, the “New Roman Empire” consists of all the nations with a Latin, or largely Latin-based, language and Rome-derived legal system. Where Rome went, other empires in the Americas, similar to the Canaanites’ in their predilection towards human sacrifice, were also destroyed.

After reigning supreme for the past several centuries, the “New Roman Empire” is under assault from its ancient enemies, the sons of Ishmael. The new Canaanites have coalesced into another political structure that has grown around hate, suspicion, and jealousy.

That’s what they do. While their current invasion and takeover of so much of Europe and the world seems unstoppable, Rome always wins.
