Changes Being Realized

When the nation’s economy went from agricultural to manufacturing, some made money, others lost. When transportation changed from animal-powered wagons and coaches to canal boats to trains to trucks, trolleys, buses, and planes, some people made lots of money while others didn’t.

When manufacturing went from steam to electricity, some became rich, others, poor. When American manufacturing went abroad, some found incredible riches, others, unemployment. When remaining manufacturers automated, some became prosperous, others couldn’t find work. As people moved into service businesses, some made out, others lost much of what they had. As service industries were reduced, some prospered while others were unable to get employment.

The simple truth is, there aren’t a lot of jobs. There are fewer every day. The normal unemployment caused by technological advancements is made worse by new, vicious, hate-filled personalities who’ve used their government jobs to further destroy the private sector by making it difficult for new technologies to emerge.

In medicine, it’s impossible to invent and market new drugs because the FDA won’t allow it. In communications, wavelength monopolies stifle competition. Miners, farmers, manufacturers, and transporters are so crippled by bureaucratic regulations that the price of everything is higher than it should be, making us all poorer.

Such bureaucrats are bent on destroying all employment opportunities except their own. As a result of the destruction they’ve inflicted on us, the only employment that seems secure is that which has cash flows propelled by policing power. As long as sheriffs have guns, property taxes will be collected and public educators will prosper.

As bureaucrats become more desperate to maintain their favored status, remaining freedoms will be attacked, undermined, and destroyed, “for the public good”. Poverty will grow as we shift to bigger government, greater controls, and more extensive coercion.
