The Destruction of Babylon is Ongoing

Most of us take the passages in The Book of Revelations that precede and follow

Revelation 18:11 “The merchants of the earth will weep and mourn over her because no one buys their cargoes any more.” to mean that Babylon will be once and finally destroyed.

Catholic Fundamentalism suggests that the destruction of Babylon is also an ongoing process. Beginning with the destruction of the Tower of Babel, “Babylons” have been erased and replaced. That process continues to the final destruction of the vain viruses that caused them to be built. C-F believes that The Loving Programmer has written and downloaded The Creation Program so that we human programs will periodically erase and download human programs within it. Some of those programs are as large as governments.

Every age develops economic and political systems based on current technologies. Those who most quickly adopt the most efficient technologies, whether triremes, catapults, automated weaving machines, telegraphs, or computers, are often able to build “empires” around them. Some, like Henry Ford or Bill Gates write and download their own programs. Others compile those programs into political systems. Every time they do so, earlier “Babylons”, outdated programs of various sizes, are replaced. Revelations tells us that when a Babylon collapses, “no one buys their cargoes any more”.

Healthier governments encourage the process, and it has been described as “creative destruction”. Patent Offices are designed to encourage and control the writing and downloading of new programs. Human inventiveness in every time destroys the creativities that preceded it, just as they once destroyed the programs that came before they came into being.

In every age, as we can today, we can be aware of “The merchants of the earth weeping and mourning because no one buys their cargoes any more.” Right now, there are storage facilities full of outdated computers. Warehouses of buggy whips, harnesses, and horse collars were similarly reduced in value when horses were replaced by internal combustion engines. Miles of copper wire were made less useful when towers and satellites allowed information to fly through the air. Merchants of the earth have been “weeping and mourning” to see their cargoes’ value made unsalable by new technologies that made them useless, outdated, and worthless.

Now, perceptive people see that one of Babylon’s biggest realms, The Education Empire, is beginning to be destroyed by internet learning. Soon, the thousands of mediocre teachers within that particular Babylon will be replaced with the very best teachers in the world.

Those about to be replaced with new programs usually turn to government to protect their jobs. Governments do so if they are bribed. When officials make decisions on bribes, they ensure their eventual destruction. While corrupt governments represent large, powerful programs working together, the more corrupt they become, the sooner and more thoroughly they are erased.
