Death & Taxes

Today, a Federal Judge struck down a Texas law that required mothers to have and view a sonogram of their unborn child. Other Federal Judges have overturned pro-life legislation across the country. Those who support death don’t mind the babies being butchered.

Earlier this week, another Federal Judge declared Alabama’s common-sense immigration law invalid. Federal Judges have routinely invalidated attempts to keep taxes lower by minimizing the medical and educational expenses that illegal immigrants generate. They do not care that existing taxpayers are all made poorer.

Why do Some Support Death and Taxes?

Those in favor of death and taxes don’t love their neighbors. They could, but they don’t. The wonderful totality of The Creation Program has been downloaded, with them in it, guaranteeing them to have been given free will.

Each and every human program within The Creation Program has the freedom to choose to kill and enslave their neighbors. God gives every human program enough rope to hang themselves.

A Great Mystery

The suffering that lost souls bring to their comparatively innocent neighbors forces us to try and solve a great mystery. Those who study The Loving Programmer, Program, and Holy Wireless Connector are mystified. There are few deaths more painful than those suffered by unborn children who are dismembered in their mothers’ wombs. And, there are few beings more innocent.

When we think of the pain that many freely choose to inflict, or have inflicted, we may consider that pain to be an indication of what those who caused the suffering will suffer. Those agonizing deaths are part of the price that pays for free will.

The coin of the Realm Beyond may be denominated in suffering. The souls who have suffered here will have deposited into their accounts, when the Books are Balanced, enough joy to be made whole, or more. Those who caused the suffering will, when those same Books are Balanced, make the necessary repayments.

Those payments will be very, very painful. They will go on forever.

Today, a Federal Judge struck down a Texas law that required mothers to have and view a sonogram of their unborn child.  Other Federal Judges have overturned pro-life legislation across the country.  Those who support death don’t mind the babies being butchered.

     Earlier this week, another Federal Judge declared Alabama’s common-sense immigration law invalid.  Federal Judges have routinely invalidated attempts to keep taxes lower by minimizing the medical and educational expenses that illegal immigrants generate.  They do not care that existing taxpayers are all made poorer.


     Those in favor of death and taxes don’t love their neighbors.  They could, but they don’t.  The wonderful totality of The Creation Program has been downloaded, with them in it, guaranteeing them to have been given free will.

     Each and every human program within The Creation Program has the freedom to choose to kill and enslave their neighbors.  God gives every human program enough rope to hang themselves.


     The suffering that lost souls bring to their comparatively innocent neighbors forces us to try and solve a great mystery.  Those who study The Loving Programmer, Program, and Holy Wireless Connector are mystified.  There are few deaths more painful than those suffered by unborn children who are dismembered in their mothers’ wombs.  And, there are few beings more innocent.

     When we think of the pain that many freely choose to inflict, or have inflicted, we may consider that pain to be an indication of what those who caused the suffering will suffer.  Those agonizing deaths are part of the price that pays for free will.

     The coin of the Realm Beyond may be denominated in suffering.  The souls who have suffered here will have deposited into their accounts, when the Books are Balanced, enough joy to be made whole, or more.  Those who caused the suffering will, when those same Books are Balanced, make the necessary repayments.

     Those payments will be very, very painful.  They will go on forever.
