Catholic Fundamentalism. A Small Step Forward.

Catholic Fundamentalism opens a new door to The Church. It helps many moderns to think of God as The Loving Programmer. That helps us understand that He has the power to program energies and particles into being. We who routinely see computer-generated media can imagine, with an ease unknown to earlier generations, that He compiled the necessary particle and energy programs and downloaded them into The Creation Program. We can see that each human program is an important part of The Creation Program.

Most of us will continue to worry more about getting richer than being closer to God. The vain are especially not interested in Catholic Fundamentalism’s teaching that everything outside The Church is corrupted with errors that increase with greater separation from Her.

When we approach The Church through the tiny doorway marked “Catholic Fundamentalism”, we see that the huge, complicated ideologies of the world are neither big nor complicated. Every worldly theory from Freud to Marx to Hefner to Darwin is simply a way to corrupt the human programs who are particularly susceptible to the different kinds of errors. The virus doesn’t care which destructive body of thought we embrace. The virus’s goal is simply to corrupt and seize our souls after getting us to waste our lives.

When confronted with the huge piles of claptrap that paralyze and blind so many, Catholic Fundamentalism dismisses them all: “The Loving Programmer wrote, programmed, and downloaded The Creation Program to give us human programs free will. The Program is so perfect that most people are unable to humble themselves enough to believe it even exists.

Catholic Fundamentalism believes that governments are largely made up of human programs so flawed they are willing to take from their neighbors to sustain the bureaucratic fraud that supports them. The nature of government has not changed since Babel, Babylon, Egypt, and the pharaohs.

It is the nature of political organizations to build imposing pyramids, walls, castles, and towers to impress and frighten subjects while providing themselves with excuses to tax and enslave as many as they can. We take such organizations and what comes from them ever less seriously as we draw nearer to The Loving Programmer.

An important question is rarely asked: “Why would anyone choose to take anything more seriously than the Roman Catholic Church?”

One answer, “God makes His Power apparent to all. Repeating the process He began when He came to earth, He has downloaded His Church amidst millennia of corruption for ongoing Crucifixion. He calls to Her those who are sufficiently alert to His universal call. Those who don’t choose to accept and obey inexorably fall into error and apostasy, the inevitable result of choosing to follow something other than The Program’s Operating Instructions.

If we are among the greatly blessed, He calls us so fully and completely to Him that we live within His sheepfold, strengthened by His Body and Blood within us.

This side of Heaven, there is no better place to be.
