Litanies From the Liturgy of the Lost

(There are two types of thinking. The first leads us closer to God. The second does not. It makes us “feel good about ourselves” by making us feel that we are superior to others. The soul that allows such thinking to dominate its mind finds itself spiraling ever farther from the possibility of joining with God. The sub-conscious awareness of such hopelessness accelerates the separation, prompting the the mind to occupy itself with ever more distant subjects. Following are various thoughts those who wish to separate our souls from God wish us to think.)

“I love American Idol.”

“I never miss a game.”

“A little fling won’t hurt.”

“People don’t understand me.”

“Women have a right to choose.”

“Our individual and collective actions are destroying the planet.”

“Our biggest problem is overpopulation. I am not going to be a part of the solution.”

“We need more top-down planning.”

“My children are on their own. I’ve done my part.”

“Whoever dies with the most toys, wins.”

“I’m spending my children’s inheritance.”

“Our government is here to help us.”

“I can’t help but be very concerned about Global Warming.”

“We are all using too much energy. We should walk, bike, or use public transportation. (I wish I could, but circumstances beyond my control keep me from doing so.)”

“Pornography helps us have healthy sex lives.”

The list goes on. And on. And on. Readers are welcome to send in other Litanies From the Liturgy of the Damned. It’s long, long list. Seeing them in print helps us be aware of thoughts we should avoid. If we get enough such Litanies, a special place on the Header may be added.
