Getting Through the Blizzard

Having a TV, after six months of not having one, makes it impossible not to realize how thoroughly surrounded we are by lies. We live as if walking through a blinding blizzard, each whirling flake a separate lie.

The lies go on, 24/7, about every conceivable subject. Like snowflakes in a blizzard, lies are driven into our eyes, ears, nose, and mouth.

Catholic Fundamentalism is a shield. Once we see how powerful God is, we are comforted. Realizing that He may be described in words with which we’re familiar, as The Loving Programmer Who has programmed energies and particles that He and His Programming Assistants have downloaded into The Creation Program, helps us see that His power is at work.

Every person involved in inventing, believing, and spreading lies is doing His will by separating him/herself from Him in exchange for gaining temporary, temporal advantages. So, we button up our spiritual overcoats and keep moving through their blizzard of lies. We pray for the strength not to deviate to the right nor left from the straight, narrow path that leads our human program to He Who lovingly programmed and downloaded it into being.

When we ask, “Why?”, it’s often because, at the end of the journey, we’d like to hear Him say to us, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant.”
