The Government Client-Server Relationship

Catholics choose The Church to be their holy Server. Once connected to Her, they gain sustenance from The Loving Programmer.

Others choose to connect themselves with a government server. The reasons are, from a secular viewpoint, obvious.

Government servers have the power to access cash. They use some of the clients who are joined with their server to take money from other citizens and give it to other clients attached to their government server.

It doesn’t take long for citizens to understand that Government servers have real advantages in the world. They connect their clients (government employees) to systems that allow them to take money from their neighbors.

The two contrasting servers that we free-will programs see before us are very different in nature. The Church has, as Her primary mission, getting Her clients’ souls into Programming HQ forever.

Government Servers and Clients have no concerns closer to eternity than the promise of long, lush pensions.

We take our choice.
