What’s in the Mind of a Virus Downloader?

Catholic Fundamentalism sees the universe as The Creation Program, and us human programs among the most complicated programs in it. When we see different kinds of thoughts that are designed to disrupt a human program’s operating system, we ascribe them to the virus.

In the beginning, the virus tempted Eve to make an unauthorized download and convinced her to get Adam to do so, as well. Both their operating systems were corrupted so thoroughly that the errors were passed on to their children.

One can imagine a modern virus-producer taking great joy in corrupting the operating systems of a million computers. In each virus-maker’s mind is one thought, “I’ll show them!”

Those who create and download viruses are not happy, cheerful, productive people. Their minds operate like arsonists’. “I cannot design or build the building, but I can destroy it, so I’m just as good as them!”

From the beginning, the virus has used pride to lead us astray. There are two levels of those who have been led astray. One type of human program, once led astray, merely goes on to destroy itself. The other tries to convince other humans to download and operate with the virus, destroying themselves and others, as well.

Why Does The Loving Programmer Permit The Possibility of Viruses?

The Creation Program was written and downloaded with a fact that we cannot ignore: On earth, when there is sunshine, there must be shadows.

We have the freedom to choose in which we will live.
