Love Those Frauds?

Most of that with which we are regaled on a daily basis is some sort of fraud that profits those who pay for the air or print time to publicize it. If we look on any news items, there may be a few moments spent describing something that has actually happened. Then, the event, whether tornado, earthquake, drought, flood, volcano, airline crash, suicide bomber, species extinction, a new overpopulation prediction, unemployment, nuclear reactor, forest fire, oil spill, or economic difficulty is blamed on the Imaginary Problem of the day.

Smarter people noticed when Global Freezing was miraculously morphed into Global Warming. Then, we watched as that was evolved into “Climate Change”.

There is a common thread: those whose jobs depend on “solving” any funding-generating problem never want the problem solved. If they can keep us distracted from the fact that most of their problems, solutions, and bizarre cause-and-effect conclusions are simply designed to take money from their neighbors, they do well.

Often, when we see their seemingly endless lies and scams, we grow angry. We shouldn’t. The Loving Programmer has written each of our individual programs so that we have free will as we operate within The Creation Program. Each of us human programs is free to choose. The two most important choices are to believe and obey God, or not; the second is choosing to love our neighbors or steal from them.

Those who choose to steal from their neighbors separate themselves from The Loving Programmer, The Program, and The Holy Wireless Connector. They bring upon themselves a just and inevitable judgment. When we see them lie, cheat, and steal we may pray for them. But we know they will do exactly what they choose to do.

That’s the way The Program is written, and that’s the way it is.

Frauds’ Flip Side

By keeping large segments of the population worried about, and fearful of, Imaginary Problems, those who control media keep whole nations from focusing on real problems. Europe is turning into an Islamic state, devoid of rights for women, Christians, and Jews. The media ignores that very real problem because it is paid to do so. Instead of warning about real dangers, the paid media distracts us with worries about rising sea levels, drowning polar bears, and the ever-popular epidemic of “obese children”.

Similarly, every nation with a monopolistic public education system has media totally under its thumb. No paid media mentions, in any but the most optimistic way, the problems caused by excessive government intervention and “how hard our public servants are working to make things better.”

Simply seeing the enormity of frauds is not enough. We have to see what the frauds are keeping us from seeing. That’s when things can get depressing.
