Each of Us Human Programs Replicates The Holy Trinity. How Do We Know That? The Programming Logs Tell Us: “Ye are as Gods.”

We humans have been programmed with the ability to do our own programming.  We do not have The Loving Programmer’s quadrillions of angels to write and download our programs from one end of The Creation Program to the other.  But, we do have minds and hands.  And, we have enough vanity to think that we’re pretty hot stuff when it comes to getting things done.  To maintain perspective, we merely have to look at the tiniest insect we can see, and understand that it can eat, drink, fly, and replicate itself to realize that our programming skills aren’t much to brag about.

If we’re vain enough, and we are, we can put ourselves so far above others that we find more happiness looking down on those who do what we think is “lesser programming” than up to He Who programmed us before we were born.

So, how is our programming ability similar to The Programming done by The Holy Trinity?  Like The Loving Programmer, there is a part of us that can decide to do something.  Our own, human spirit, like The Holy Spirit/Wireless Connector, silently and invisibly gets our hands, feet, and eyes working together with things outside ourselves so that we can make the bed, build a dog house, or erect a sky-scraper.

When we decide to do something, we automatically generate a plan for getting it done.  That plan is actually a “human program.”  No matter how humble the task, or how small the program that’s needed to accomplish it, we must begin with that program, whether it’s the plan/program for a made bed, a dog house, or a sky-scraper.

So, like God, we program.  When we have finished programming, whether making blueprints for a dog house or skyscraper, we download our program.  The smaller, dog house building programs usually go smoothly.  As our programs increase in complexity, they involve other human programs and programmers with their ideas of how things should be programmed.  Things tend to get more complicated, which requires programming assistance from financiers, engineers, and attorneys.

At the end of any project, we can look back at the process.  We see that we began to program what we’d do the moment we started it, or before.  Then, we refined our program, after which we produced a program.  Then, we downloaded that program onto the earth.  From this, Catholic Fundamentalists understand that we have been programmed with the ability to program.  We must remember that none of us human programs can program anything nearly as well as The Loving Programmer.

Keeping that always in mind is a sure cure for vanity.  Continually working on a program to keep our vanity in check pays big dividends for a long time.
