Bad and/or Imaginary News Makes “Good” News. The Best News of All is Never News.

Those called to live in the Kingdom have almost automatically been given an understanding that most human concerns are like anchors, holding us to the world.

When we look at what is still called “the news”, we see a near-endless series of paid political and business announcements that tell us how we are to think about the subject they cover.

We clearly see two kinds of news. One consists of Imaginary Problems with which we are encouraged to be “deeply concerned”. The other kind of news is “non news”. That kind of “news”, “non news” is the absence of covering the deepest and most pressing human problems.

In a typical “news” segment, we are encouraged to worry about “Global Warming endangering the polar bears”. In the “non news” coverage, we realize that not one “intrepid reporter” has said even a word about a single one of the thousands of babies ripped from their mothers’ wombs in just one day.

As we get closer to The Loving Programmer, we understand that The Creation Program was written and downloaded so that each human program could operate with a will so free that each must choose that life is, or is not, better than death. We learn much about the nature of the other side by seeing not only what it deems to be “news”, but also, about “non-news”, happenings that must be kept out of sight and mind.

Those whose souls are saved must be on the side of life. That information about accessing The Loving Programmer’s eternal joy is the best and most important “news” of all. That good news is never mentioned by those who have chosen to shun loving their neighbors in exchange for temporarily lucrative positions in The Culture of Death.
