Pity our Oppressors

The once-free peoples of the West are suffering more greatly than realized from the death and debt inflicted upon them by oppressors who call themselves “public servants”. There is a tendency to overlook the theological implications of what is facing both the oppressed and our oppressors.

The oppressors are most to be pitied. Blinded to the needs of the immortal souls they prefer to think don’t exist, they’ve chosen to enslave their neighbors rather than strive for the eternal bliss of salvation. They spend their life in the service of lies, working for the father of lies. They have willfully chosen to injure their neighbors in thousands of ways. Few of them can summon the will to renounce the pitiful “mess of pottage” for which they sold their souls and be saved.

We, the oppressed, will have a more difficult few years or decades in front of us. Our own, ever-shorter journey is made difficult in that we are commanded to “love your enemies, do good to them that hurt you.”

But, it isn’t as hard as all that. Our duty is clear. We are to pray for us, pray for them, and to pay our taxes cheerfully. Their nature is such as to make them hate any cheerful person, but they have a disconcertingly hard time hating a cheerful taxpayer.
