An Explanation for the Origin of Destructive Thoughts:

Frequently, we have an illicit thought or desire. “Where did that come from?”, we may find ourselves asking as we become consciously aware of an evil that’s come into our mind.

Catholic Fundamentalism suggests that we may find an answer by considering two passages from The Programming Logs. Genesis 1:27 tells us: “So God created (programmed and downloaded) human beings in His own image. In the image of God He created them; male and female He created them.” Psalms, 82:6 tells us: “I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children (the beloved human programs) of the most High”.

These passages tell us that The Loving Programmer programmed and downloaded each of us with similarities to Him. A crude analogy may be seen in an imaginary man who owned a huge railroad and devoted himself to building a model railroad in his basement that had many similarities to his giant, intercontinental railroad.

The Loving Programmer also programmed Programming Assistants with varying degrees of skills to help Him program, download, and operate The Creation Program. These beings were reflected in the Medieval idea of the Nine Choirs of Angels. All of those programming assistants had free will. Some of them chose to work against The Loving Programmer and His programs.

Each of us somewhat God-like beings has been programmed with some of the characteristics of The Loving Programmer. Therefore, just as He has spiritual beings operating within the Creation Program, we, programmed in His image, have internal spiritual beings operating within our own, individual program. We describe some of them as “thoughts” or “desires”.

Some such “thoughts” or “desires” are scaled down, human-sized version of the mighty and powerful angels and fallen angels beyond. Some of the spiritual beings in and around us want us to obey The Loving Programmer’s Operating Instructions. Others encourage us to disobey. They tell us “do whatever feels good” and make us think that God wants us to “fully explore the full range of human feelings”.

We can know if one of the spirit/thoughts within us is good by seeing whether or not it is leading us to greater obedience to He Who programmed us. When we realize that some living temptation is misdirecting us, we have but to ask The Loving Programmer to deliver us from that evil being. He will. Those who don’t ask for the necessary Programming Assistance continue to travel down the broad path to destruction.

The good spiritual beings in and around us help us attain greater faith and obedience. We are all given the necessary spiritual and intellectual powers to tell the difference. One necessary step in judging the living motivations in our mind is to judge them with the following: “I am supposed to love God and my neighbor. I have, in no uncertain words, been commanded to do unto my neighbors that which I want done unto me. Where does this desire that I find in my mind fit into that?”

(The above is a fairly new concept for our times, and one worthy of further consideration by all of us. It does not appear to be out of line with the earlier thinking on the subject by prominent theologians of The Church.)
