What’s a Hater to do?

One of Osama Ben Laden’s brothers was recently arrested for transporting illegal immigrants from Venezuela to Ecuador. Their countries of origin were mostly East African. They were mostly of the Moslem faith.

Increased relations between the Moslems and the Chavez regime have resulted in an uptick in such immigration. Obviously, no one in the present U.S. administration will lift a finger to stop it. In fact, this immigration, though illegal, is encouraged.

Moslem countries have growing populations and shrinking employment opportunities. So, they export their surplus population to Europe and the Americas, where welfare schemes designed to help native populations are quickly expanded to provide bankrupting sums of money to the newcomers.

Those who wish to destroy the freest and most prosperous systems in the world are quick to embrace the harbingers of destruction. Few will talk about it. The haters are gloating. They failed to destroy us with Communism, and see this as their last, great hope. At this moment, they are training troops in Waheera, near the Venezuelan border.

Much of their invasion is funded by dealing in illegal drugs. Recently, Walid Makled, “The Turk”, was extradited to Venezuela from Columbia. There, he will be allowed to continue operating his billion dollar/year drug smuggling operation with dozens of generals in the Venezuelan army on his payroll.

An unholy trinity of Moslems, Communists, and drug-dealers continue to work hard at hating, rather than loving, their neighbors. Their many hirelings and friends on the fringes rejoice at every step forward they take.
