Fixing Government

Those who run for public office generally say their goal is to “fix” things. One of the “fixers” most common goals is “eliminating waste”. Those who want to “fix” things by “eliminating waste” generally say, “I will work to see that government is run like a business.”

Most of us, on hearing such pronouncements, will nod in agreement. Beneath the nod is the eye-rolling awareness that most of the people who are now in office started out by saying the very same things.

Still, we have a tendency to think we can, by being or supporting the “right” candidate, make things better.

Maybe. For awhile.

We may be led to sincerely and seriously ask ourselves, “Political activity doesn’t do any long-term good. Why should I bother?” That is our soul’s cue! Our innermost being should then ask, “I hate this realization, but the truth is that I can’t do any lasting good with any political activity. What should I be doing?”

If we are fortunate, we will answer that question by understanding that the best thing we can do is grow closer to God. As we do so, our lives are transformed. That change has an effect on those around us that eclipses any improvements that will come from any elected official.

The answer to “Why should I bother with political activity?” sounds so corny we should only rarely say it out loud. But, when someone asks “Who are you supporting in the election?”, we should silently answer to ourselves, “God.”

When we make an audible reply, there is only one answer: “I will support the candidate who’ll be the most reliably pro-life.”
