We Escaped! No, We Didn’t!

Yesterday, catholicfundamentalism.com did not have a column that turned out to be an April Fool’s trick. Amusing tricks are always popular, and often beguiling. But, April Fool’s Day is no longer as funny and is no longer limited to twenty four hours. So, readers escaped having been presented with a clever fraud. We didn’t really need one.

Yesterday, an actual news report let us know that our government sent highly paid agents (oops, “scientists”) to search for chemical damage in the Gulf of Mexico. They were ostensibly there to look for chemicals that may be “damaging to aquatic life”. They were actually searching for any drilling-related substances that could have provided months, if not years, of excuses to keep Americans from drilling for their own oil while transferring billions to foreign governments. Every month, more bribes would have flowed to the people who ordered the “study” to be done.

In the process, our (their?) government’s “scientists” killed three dolphins. If the dolphins had been accidentally killed by commercial fishermen, or, better yet, by some aspect of deep-water drilling, they would have been elevated to the status of “precious” dolphins. As it was, snuffed out by well-meaning “scientists” ostensibly in the process of doing good, they were merely “dolphins” and, therefore, eminently disposable.

So, yesterday, we did have at least one April Fool’s trick played on us. Unfortunately, the perpetrators were not trying to “trick” us. They just did what they do. Every single day.
