Today’s Reading Begins With

Hosea, 6;1

“Come, let us return to the LORD,
it is He who has rent, but He will heal us;
He has struck us, but He will bind our wounds.
He will revive us after two days;
on the third day He will raise us up,
to live in His presence.”

Hosea gives us a precise timetable for Christ’s Resurrection and Ascension. He may also be telling us what happens to our own lives after the earthly part of our individual, human program is erased.
If that’s so, when we have returned to the Loving Programmer (and asked for Programming Assistance to restore our own, human program), He will restore (not erase!), our program. If Hosea is letting us know what happens to us, humble, obedient returnees will, like Christ, have their programs restored two days after the essence of their programs leaves the physical part. Like Christ, three days later, our personal Source Code will make its ascension to the Loving Programmer: “He will raise us up to live in His presence.”

We may also remember a comforting warning from Hosea 2;13: “I will put an end to all her (“her” symbolizes an unfaithful people) rejoicing, her feasts, her New Moons, her sabbaths, her solemn festivals.”

He will put an end to “New Moons”? Haven’t such things been “put an end to”? Are there any “New Moons” left in earthly religions? If there are, Hosea tells us that The Loving Programmer says He will put an end to them.
