Brilliant Sign, Filled With Meaning:


     An absolutely perfect picture!  Absolutely true!  Most leftists spend their lives looking for love in all the wrong places.  They just never had much at home.  Intellectually, spiritually, and, sometimes, financially abandoned by lazy, self-centered, status-seeking parents, the only possibility for love and affection some of them found was in leftist parties to replace their unloving parents with the appearance of concern.  As they embrace leftism, their spiritual polarity is reversed.  Their need for love is transformed into a drive to hate.  They particularly hate those who did grow up with a lot of love.  Their jealousy drives them crazy.

     Once that fact is understood, we can stop hating them back.  We can, of course, hate the way they think, the things they say, and what they do.  But, understanding that they’re all, in varying degrees, starved for the love they never had and desperately needed, we can, at least, turn to pity rather than scorn.

     Christianity offers a way of life that’s centered on the fact that God loves us.  Haters want to destroy every vestige of it love.  As soon as they think about what they’ve missed, even a few, memorable moments of love, the pain overwhelms them;  jealousy rules.
