Can Anything Help California?

It’s worth a certain amount of money to keep some people off the street. We don’t mind paying money to keep murderers, rapists, and thieves in jails. So, we shouldn’t mind spending to keep other dangerous people off the street.

Many government agencies are staffed by mean, angry people who want to hurt their neighbors. The bitterest among them work to destroy their state or nation. While they hurt a lot of us, they are so paralyzed by other groups of progress-hating neighbor haters in other sections of government that they usually can’t do nearly as much harm as they’d like to do. It’s worth something to keep them off the street where they are made to spend their lives neutralizing each other.

Until now. California’s legislators have veered into such irrationality that even Catholic Fundamentalism has a hard time seeing a bright side to them.

Last week, California passed a law requiring that one third of the state’s power must come from wind and solar. This is the most amazingly suicidal legislation in recent memory. It’s on a par with Napoleon’s march into Russia.

Power from wind and solar costs, globally, about $1.20/kwh. Power from nuclear and coal costs .02-.03 cents/kwh. So, an individual household electric bill that now costs $1,200.00/year will rise to $24,800.00. Plus, inflation.

California has committed itself to slide down an economic death spiral caused by worshipping the false idols of sustainability. Such faith will economically destroy their state. Their minds have so successfully erased the need for rational analysis from them that they are beyond caring. They can do nothing but to keep on borrowing and borrowing, even as they erase whatever hopes there are of growing and thriving with cheaper power.

Within recent memory, California was one of the wealthiest political entities in the world. Now, it has become one with the herd of lemmings about to plunge over the cliff. It has done so with such total and reckless disregard for reality that one is stunned by the passion with which this insane new world has been embraced.

God has turned His face from them.
