Some See Space and Time and Find God. Others see the Same Things and Embrace Godlessness.

We are told that the universe goes on and on, “to infinity”. Some spend long periods studying the universe and conclude that it is moving. Others say that it is not. A few say that parts of it are moving, but some are “stable in relationship with other states of being”.

Many students of the universe tell us that it is expanding. Others, with equal solemnity, announce that it is contracting. Some solemnly say, “The universe is both expanding and contracting.” to anyone who’ll listen.

Those who say such things are thought to be “very wise”. Most of us are frequently told by television, magazines, and newspapers that such people are “scientists”. Serious-looking announcers confirm to us again and again that “the scientists” are “very wise”. Few of us have the self-confidence to question how silly some of their conclusions are. Fewer say, “So what?”, or “Why should anyone care?” Hardly anyone asks, “Do they really know that or are they just making up a lot of nonsense to sell books and bloviate on TV?”

These whom the worldly tell us are “wise people” have one thing in common: all of them tell us that the universe is far older than the Bible says. None of the “wise people” seriously consider that God, The Loving Programmer, chose to give us free will by programming energies and particles that He compiled into the universe, His Creation Program. It is of a size and composition that lets people of every age freely choose to believe that He made it. It also allows those who want a reason not to be impeded by His commandments to believe that it appeared completely by accident.

Studying the entities He programmed distracts many from He Who programmed them. All the things around us, from galaxies to electrons, were programmed to operate in such a way that those who wanted to separate themselves from Him could freely do so. They were also free to separate themselves from those who freely decided to believe in The Loving Programmer and to obey His Operating Instructions.

Godless people develop theories to make God seem remote or not there. Those in The Culture of Death do that, continually. When human programs can be made to ignore The Loving Programmer, they grow apart from Him. After some pre-determined time, that separation may become both permanent and painful.

Catholic Fundamentalists believe that it’s reasonable to look at God as The Loving Programmer and everything else as part of His Creation Program. Thinking of Him as The Loving Programmer makes it easier for some computer-familiar people to realize how reasonable the Catholic Fundamentalism is.

They may come to understand:

  1.  It is an undeniable fact that we humans have the ability to program special effects so well that we can make movies that appear to be three dimensional.
  2. It is not unreasonable to assume that God programmed us with our limited programming abilities so that we, in our age, may choose to consider that He is powerful enough to program a self-sustaining 3-D universe with us, self-replicating human program, operating within it.
  3. The beliefs of The Catholic Church make sense out of the most remarkable happening of all. The reason that so many of the prophets’ predictions came true is that The Program is running according to His schedule. His prophets were made aware of downloads that would take place centuries after they lived. (Oddly enough, as Pascal reminds us, some of the Jewish people who ensured that the prophets’ prophecies were accurately and expensively recorded and maintained through time refused to believe in He Whom the prophets had been inspired to tell the world was coming.) We may believe that The Loving Programmer and the teachings of His Church are real because so many prophecies came true.
