Recent articles have been criticizing the military for having “too many white generals and admirals.” Other opinions, from the right, are critical of MSNBC for having too many anchors who are white males. Some say that the hiring process in academic institutions unfairly favors liberals.
If we are supposed to be a society where people are truly equal, then all human organizations much be staffed by people who are assigned their jobs by random distribution. A good place to start imposing “true equality”: be sure that there are not a lot of smarter people in charge of things. Those espousing “true equality” must be sure that those with 135 IQs are properly distributed at every level form the janitorial staff to the board of directors. And, the opposite holds true. There have to be as many IQs in the 90-110 range in the board room as there are among the janitors.
It’s the only fair way.
Likewise, wealth must be randomly distributed. Every person should have an equal chance to have as much money as, for instance, Bill Gates. All those billionaire and multi-millionaire assets cannot be sold and redistributed because doing so would collapse the economy. While that would be fair to everyone, many prefer a Rich People Lottery. In such a national lottery, all Bill Gates’s assets, along with those of every other rich person, would be transferred to lottery winners, but only for a short time.
Every single citizen of the world should have an equal opportunity to win those lotteries. Every few months, another series of rich people lotteries would be held. This would provide equal opportunity for more people to be billionaires.
Actually, That’s not Fair Enough. Things Should be Fairer Than That.
Deep at the heart of all leftist desires are two urges. One is for true equality. The other is to make people feel guilty for not participating in the establishment of true equality.
The only way to achieve true equality is for Random Distribution to rule within all organizations. There is a problem with Random Distribution. We are unable to enthrone Random Distribution because that would make the idea of Random Distribution superior to all other organizational concepts. Those successful in creating and installing a system that would ensure Random Distribution would, at some point, be in charge. That would be a manifestation of inequality, both of people and of theories. If Random Distribution will not work, nothing will. So, nothing will.
As we think of ways to make things fairer, we mustn’t forget fairness between species. Turtles can’t fly and bluebirds can’t type. Cheetahs can run faster than woodchucks. Parakeets, unlike beavers, are not able to build dams. Throughout all Creation, things need to be made better and fairer for all. Since life is manifestly unfair, ultimate fairness can be found only in universal death.
Therefore, universal death is the only way to reach true equality. Not only was Jim Jones right, but, by drinking his own Kool-aid and causing his own death, along with the near-simultaneous deaths of his management team and all underlings, he did the best job of putting the leftist creed of Equality Through Death into effect.
That makes him deserving of more praise than, for instance, Stalin or Mao. They seem to have simply died of old age. But, the extra praise for Jim Jones is not equal to the lack of praise given to Mao for dying of old age. Therefore, we may conclude, no leftist structure that exalts equality over love of neighbor has any rational basis.