Today, More Lunacy:

“The White House announced that this year’s Easter Egg Roll will be “more environmentally friendly,” including eggs made with wood certified by an environmental activist organization and packaging “to minimize waste and environmental impact.”

The press release issued by the White House states that the eggs will be produced in the United States from hardwood “certified” by the Forest Stewardship Council, a non-profit organization with a presence in 50 countries and a mission “to promote the responsible management of the world’s forests.”

The “greener” packaging for the eggs – available in purple, pink, green and yellow – is made from paperboard certified by the Sustainable Forestry Initiative. The paperboard “uses no wood fibers from controversial sources” and the printed carton the egg comes in can be recycled. The packaging is also decorated with vegetable oil-based inks and water-based coatings.”

When we see this sort of mindless drivel taking form among us in foundations that are as wealthy as they are destructive, we realize that we are ruled by layer upon layer of pitiful nincompoops. It could be worse. There might be mechanisms put in place that would allow them to exert direct control.

Just thinking about the lunacy of “eggs made of wood” tells us how important mindless frauds and fads are to these people. Believing the gross lie, and all the associated lies, that using expensive, wooden eggs rather than the usual eggs purchased at a local grocery will “minimize waste and environmental impact” shows how badly their minds have deteriorated in the service of fraud.
