The Most Wonderful Thing About the Recent Blizzards:

As we look back at the U.S. weather since Christmas, there have been more storms and freezing weather than ever.  And, all over Europe, cold temperatures have been lower than at any time in recorded history.

Every time that there’s another round of freezing, the state-run media obediently quotes a few “scientists” and “experts”.  The have the necessary skills to look very serious as they intone:  “Scientists have always predicted that Global Warming would be accompanied by blizzards and cold weather.”

When they see something as ominous as what showed up today:

an absolutely, incredibly huge storm about to drop two feet of snow on Chicago and points East, we hear them say, for the thousandth time:  “This storm is, and all storms are, the result of Global Warming.”

The wonderful thing is, every time they go through that “freeze / lie cycle”, fewer people believe them.  At first, maybe 80% of Americans (Proof that we are a too-trusting people!) thought “There might be something to Global Warming.”  Now, after an endless parade of blatantly obvious lies, exaggerations, and outright distortions, no one with an IQ over a hundred believes them, unless they’re making money from the scam or want to do so.

The problem is that their lies are in direct contradiction to our plainly visible mountains of snow, ice-covered windshields, painfully cold hands and feet, and huge heating bills.  Too many Americans just have this regrettable tendency to trust what their own minds and bodies see and feel around them than some professional liar who tells the same lies, over and over.

As a result of so many, many lies, the number of those who believe in Global Warming has become concentrated in the very lowest intellectual portion of the nation’s population.  They are, brain-wise, the “bottom of the barrel”.  Believers in Global Warming have been reduced to the same group on the left side of the intellectual bell curve whose largely mindless members take seriously almost every lie and Imaginary Problem of which they are made aware, from the ozone hole to the obesity epidemic.

These poor foolish people are strangely comforted when they see that the big lies, the ones they’ve learned to repeat, are now accompanied by support lies that are universally known as “the latest research”.  They will memorize the new lies and enthusiastically pass them on, telling the dwindling number of people with whom they have any credibility at all that, “All this freezing, cold weather is caused by Global Warming.”  Amazingly, they conclude, and often repeat, “The colder it gets, the worse Global Warming has become. “
