One Interpretation of The Thousand Years, The Dragon, The Beast, and The False Prophet in The Book of Revelation:

The thousand years:  Charlemagne began working to be Holy Roman Emperor in the years immediately before 800 A.D., when he was crowned.   He was chosen by God, and his descendants were blessed.  The rule of God’s anointed came to an end with the French Revolution, which began a few years before 1800.

We don’t know, and maybe are not supposed to know, if this is the same thousand years described in the Book of Revelation, but it is a thousand year period that marks a change in government from Charlemagne, who was crowned by the Pope and the French Revolutionaries who hated the Pope, conquered the Papal States, and looted Papal properties as they began their new age with an ongoing baptism of blood.

The dragon:  The desire for destroying good order came from, and is, the dragon.  In this interpretation, the dragon was released.  Then, he inspired The French Revolution to destroy the hereditary rulers of France, those graced with the Divine Right of Kings, by God, Himself.

The beast:  The beast followed the dragon.  While The Book of Revelation does not say that it emerged from the lake of fire after the thousand years were over, that being so perfectly symbolizes the beastly brutality that burst forth in the Russian Revolution that we may be excused for believing that if it or its spirit did not emerge, it might as well have. Those moved by such beastliness, Marxists, Leninists, Stalinists, Maoists, and more, worked beneath the beast’s newly-raised umbrella of Communism.  They began by slaughtering the last powerful royal family in Europe.  Millions more were murdered in China and in every subsequent nation in which that beast gained power.

The false prophet:  Like the beast, the false prophet is not reported to have emerged from the lake of fire.  Whether or not it was allowed to return to earth, it, like the beast, perfectly symbolizes what has gone on in our own times.  If it’s not here, its spirit certainly seems to be.

After the horror of the beastly murders, starvation, imprisonments, and institutionalized suffering of Communism made it hard for the beast to bring his foul hatred into other nations, we may see that the false prophet, or its spirit, arrived.  That spirit is the progenitor of lies and false alarms of great, end-of-the-world magnitude.

The false prophet continually predicts the immediate arrival of frightening cataclysms, all of them as frightening as they are imaginary.  Huge government and media agencies, living pyramids of lies, are constructed to help the false prophet spread awareness of these “great dangers “.

At the same time, the false prophet hides the truth about truly evils like abortion, and camouflages them in terms of respectability.  Those on the side of love and truth, especially those in the Roman Catholic Church, are endlessly attacked by the false prophet’s followers.

As with Global Freezing, Warming, Ozone Holes, Destruction of Coral Reefs, etc., etc., etc., every problem is imaginary and every prophecy about them is false. There have never been as many false prophecies in any preceding age than there are in ours.  That puts the source of the current false prophets and prophecies in contention for the false prophet mentioned in the Book of Revelation, even if he’s operating from the bottom of the lake of fire.

Are we, here and now, seeing The Creation Program winding down?  Will “earth and Heaven flee away”?  We should act as if it is so if only because we’re going to be leaving our earthly homes sooner or later; individually, if not collectively.  So, the smart thing to do is play it safe.  Starting now.
