
Souls are judged on how much they loved, or didn’t love, God and neighbors. We may visualize that such a judgment is calibrated on a thermometer-like scale. “Nine” represents a saint who’s laid down his or her life for God, neighbor, and truth, and is, thereby, awarded a high place in Heaven. “One” represents someone who occasionally throws a quarter into a beggar’s hat, and does so with some reluctance, saying, “If he wanted, he could get a job.”. Still, that “+.000001”, at the low end of the salvageable souls, was able to overcome his pompous self-righteousness enough to manifest actual generosity.

Some may say that it is theoretically possible that He may, by having thrown one quarter, one time, into one hat, be saved. Had he not helped that one beggar, that one time, he may have dropped to the -0.000001 level, and be sentenced to spend eternity as the “best” of the worst.

That thermometer-like “Soulometer”, has billions of lines on it, as the numbers are divided into “billionths”, representing a line for each of the total number of souls that will be judged. We don’t know where on that scale there’s enough faith that’s adequate for salvation registers, but let’s assume it’s anywhere above “zero”, and that the giving of one quarter to one beggar gets us there. We can imagine, and explain to others, that the soulometer’s scale drops, as it does with temperatures, to “below zero”.

In fact, we can even consider the possibility that God, The Loving Programmer went to all the trouble of programming temperatures and temperature-producing entities (and, as we look around we dimly realize “That’s a lot of trouble!”) simply to provide us with yet another analogy of how we would unavoidably be measured. Those numbers represent souls who just didn’t make it. They are “below zero”. They did not pass the final. They embraced death, thereby flunking life.

People move up and down the scale every day. A faithful priest may slip, a hardened criminal may convert. Our job is to get ourselves higher on the scale and encourage others to focus on the same goal.

Down at the bottom of the lower, “below zero” scale, in the -.9999999 neighborhood, are the souls who invent and tell the abortion lies. What they believe, and may practice, is so destructive to the salvation process that they are at the very bottom of the barrel. It’s hard for many of us to accept, but those who fully understand what some birth control chemicals do, and continue to make, sell, and use them, are not far away.

P. S. Something odd just happened. When I ran the spell checker, it hit the word “soulometer”, which was not in its vocabulary. So, it offered the correct spelling for “oubliette”. An oubliette, I remember from my one trip to England and a castle, was a deep, stone cavity in the bottom of a dungeon into which all the prisoners’ waste ran. In oubliette, the most hated criminal was confined. If a mere machine can, by the merest of coincidences, make such a connection, surely we will have an easier time in understanding our priorities.

