We Need to Understand: They are not Dumb. Or, are They?

Today, the usual description of the bio-fuel lunacy was brought up on junkscience.com . The article, boiled down: “Using corn as fuel raises food prices and causes starvation in poor countries. The people who are doing this are dumb.”

This kind of description is common, but wrong. The people who have forced us to use corn as a vehicular fuel are not dumb. Corn growers can make more money by expanding their markets. The Senators from agricultural states all have to get re-elected. So, laws are passed, using the ever-handy environmental lies as excuses. We are forced to use expensive bio-fuels instead of cheap, endlessly replenishing oil, oil that the same people make it impossible to extract. A lot of smart people make a lot of money from a lot of clever lies centered around the need to stop Global Warming by using bio-fuels.

Such profiteers do not care that using corn for fuel raises food prices. They do not care that rising food prices cause the poorest people on earth to starve, get sick, and die. They just want a lot more money. And, they’re getting it.

They may be accurately described as “greedy”, “evil”, “heartless”, and “selfish”. All those things may be accurate. But, “dumb”?

Calling them “dumb” is only applicable if we realize that anyone who prefers to increase their vast fortunes, even if it means killing their neighbors, goes to Hell. It is truly “dumb” to do that.
