Big Lies Get Bigger Before Bursting, but Burst, They Must.

The Mississippi Bubble, the South Sea Bubble, the Dot-Com Bubble, and the Tulip Mania symbolize how bubbles, frauds, manias, lies, and deceptions grow and die. Every few years, a big bubble bursts. Every few decades, a really big bubble bursts. But, a really big, monumental, global series of lies, like those that came together to make The Ozone Hole and Global Warming immensely profitable, takes a longer time to collapse.

We don’t often realize how much money a big lie can make. If Americans spend say, half a trillion a year on electricity, and someone in the wind/solar/bio scams can get even a few percent of that, it’s a lot of money. That cash flow is more valuable when it is buttressed by legislation. So, there are lots of people saying that Global Warming is a problem simply to get a little bit of our collective electric bill.

Some states have passed laws mandating that, in the near term, all the power sold in the state will have to be, for instance, “15% renewable”. That, spread out over a nation of bamboozled patsies, takes about $75,000,000,000.00 more from us and gives it to them.

That’s why Global Warming lies just don’t go away. There is so much money to be made from those lies that the poor, lost souls who profit from them just can’t stop lying.
