When Bubbles Break

When Bubbles Break,

the collapse is not immediate. Most of us have never actually seen a bubble break. If we are to understand the bubbles around us, we should watch at least one bubble as it bursts.

This video shows a bubble collapsing in slow motion. To Catholic Fundamentalists, this is as important as any video you will ever see:


When the projectile hits, the bubble does not immediately collapse. Instead, it falls apart as the projectile goes through it. We can imagine families of super short-lived microbes living on the left side of the bubble and realize they have no idea of the coming collapse. Interestingly, the two small bubbles attached to the bigger bubble are spared. They are like souls that have been uncorrupted by the bubble to which they are attached.

If we extend the time frame of the bubble popping from a micro-second to, say, a generation, we can compare the bubble to a business. Consider the Pony Express as a bubble.

The projectile hitting that bubble was was Samuel Morse’s invention of the telegraph. One could have, when the first telegraph wires were strung, begun to “short” the Pony Express.

Still, for many years, people made money carrying messages by horse and train, even as wires spread out from urban centers.

Collapsing Bubbles

When we look at that video, we understand that our own bubble may be, and probably is, collapsing. If we are in the area first hit by the projectile (a bubble-popping idea), we are the first to be affected. On the other hand, we may find profit remaining in the outlying areas.

The biggest bubble of all is The Creation Program.
