One Hundred Billion Souls
Since Creation, a hundred billion human programs have been lovingly written and downloaded by The Loving Programmer. Each human program is designed to have a mind and body downloaded from its organizing essence, the individual human soul.
In every age and culture, each human program is always free to move closer to, or farther from, The Loving Programmer. The degree to which each person believes in and obeys the Operating Instructions determines his eternal resting place with an unquestionably exactitude.
Each soul’s place after death is fixed, but not necessarily permanently, at the appropriate distance from The Loving Programmer. Prayers for the souls who have left their complicated mind and body programs for a more permanent location will cause some upward movement of the prayed-for soul toward less pain or greater joy.
One Hundred Billion Places to Spend Eternity
We may, for the sake of argument, assume that there are 100,000,000,000 individual resting places; that there is a place for every soul. About half of the departed souls are “below the line”, in some level of Hell. The other half are “above the line”, and are in the presence of The Loving Programmer.
How many places upward does a departed soul move with each prayer that’s said for it’s eternal joy? As long as The Loving Programmer registers and answers such prayers, it doesn’t matter how much their souls are moved toward Him, but it matters a great deal for each person whose immortal well-being is improved as a result of our prayers for their eternal joy.
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