The Choice is Clear: Love or Hate, Lies or Truth.

Those on the left tend to love death and disruption.  That is shown by the left’s inevitable support of revolutions, eugenics, socialism, nazism, communism, and most recently, Mohammedism.  Various disguises for their hatred of people, the latest being environmentalism, mask their love of death.  “Our goals are more important than life!” is their inevitable battle cry.  The damned allow themselves to be fooled or cowed into going along.

All those movements have one thing in common:  they are led and supported by people who believe they should kill their enemies.  In every case, their enemies are those who disagree with, or differ from, them.  The penalty they wish to inflict on those who don’t agree is death.

Each group of leftists has  the most hate for those who are most different from them.  That hatred increases with the degree of difference.  The Roman Catholic Church is as far from leftist thought as it’s possible to be.  She has consistently been pro-love of neighbor and pro-life.  Worse, from their aspect, She offers believers, in physical form, the Body and Blood of Christ, Whom they hate most of all.  Since The Church is the Body of Christ on earth, She is the target at which they all aim in their relentless pursuit of the destruction of love.

In a nutshell, where the leftists live, Christ is abhorred.  There is no room in He Who is Love for hate, so haters are alienated from him.  He is the natural target for hate.  Since The Church has the power to provide the Body and Blood of Christ in the Eucharist, She, too, is hated.  Mary, whose loving obedience allowed God to come to earth, is hated by them almost as virulently.

What to do about it?  First, we recognize that hatred comes from being alienated from God by sin.  Then, we understand that sin comes from vanity, putting our present needs ahead of He Who lovingly programmed and downloaded each human program within His vast Creation Program.  After we realize that, we understand that belief and obedience are more important than having our own way.

At that point, we begin the real pilgrimage of our lives;  saving our soul by making ourselves more loving.  As we begin to pray for our own salvation, it is impossible not to ask The Loving Programmer to download truth and love within those who have, hopefully temporarily, chosen to believe in lies and hate.

Thanks again for reading ‘the left hate love and truth’.

