People who sell information can charge more if buyers believe they are purchasing inside information. That information can be worth a lot of money since those who get inside information on a company’s future may make millions by buying or selling its stock. “Inside Information” is so important that obtaining it illegally is now a crime. Investigating “Inside Information”, in fact, has become something so important that everyone involved would like inside information.
The real “news behind the news” is not, for instance, the “news” that Moslems are exterminating Christians, Buddhists, Jews, and Hindus everywhere they can. The news behind that news is that coverage of such slaughters is minimized in every sort of “news” reported about the subject.
The real “news behind the news” is that those in the “news” media never tell the whole truth about the most dangerous things in the world. What’s “the news behind that news”? That bribes make the news. Media controllers take bribes to publicize or not publicize things that happen. The “news behind that news” is that satan’s minions on earth decide much of what’s going to be “news”.