Avoid the Culture of Death

Souls are either saved or lost.  Those who are saved are pro-life.  The lost are pro-death.  While on earth, such souls are a part of the Culture of Death.

Those who choose to live in the Culture of Death don’t love their neighbors.  In every election, some candidates identify themselves as “pro-life”.   Those who oppose the them do not say they are “pro-death”.  They call themselves  “pro-choice”.

Changing their name in such a way compounds their hatred of their neighbors with a lie.  Those who are bamboozled by the process are damned.  Every human program is written and downloaded with the intellectual ability to understand that saying “I am in favor of giving people the freedom to choose to kill an unborn baby.” tells both God and their neighbors that they are not opposed to killing the most innocent human beings on our planet.

Many are distracted from thinking about such basic causes and effects.  Some people spend their lives distracting people from thinking about life and death.  Others, like those who spend time confusing “pro-death” with “pro-choice”, are “confusers”.  Both “distractors” and “confusers” are damned.

On Judgment Day, those who are pro-life have a chance at Heaven.  Those in the Culture of Death do not.

If we have any foresight at all, we will avoid the Culture of Death during our days in the clay.

