“How can Willful Protestants get to Heaven?” Here’s how! #34.

Question 1:  “Does Today’s Catholic Reading tell us that the souls of some Willful Protestants may get into Heaven?”

Answer:  “A billion Willful Protestants hope so!  They see what The First Catholic Pope said in 1 Peter 4:14!  ‘If you are insulted for The Name of Christ, blessed are you, for the Spirit of God rests upon you.’  It is a fact:   some Willful Protestants are ‘insulted for the Name of Christ’.


Question 2:  “In Today’s Catholic Reading, Mt. 10:24-33, ‘Jesus said to His Apostles:  ‘No Disciple is above his teacher’  Do many Willful Protestants believe they are ‘above’ The Church-Creating Word of Jesus to His First Catholic Pope in Mt. 16:18-20:  ‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’?”

Answer:  “Many Willful Protestants believe they are ‘above’ The Church-Creating Word of Jesus.   In Mt. 10:31-32, Jesus divides all people into Two Groups.

Group 1:  ‘Everyone who acknowledges Me before others I will acknowledge before My Heavenly Father.’

Group 2:  ‘But whoever denies Me before others, I will deny before My Heavenly Father.’


Question 3:  “Which Willful Protestants are in Group 2:  ‘But whoever denies Me before others, I will deny before My Heavenly Father’?”

Answer:  “Those who, until the moment their soul leaves their body, are too stubborn to plea:  ‘Jesus, in Your Mercy, forgive me for not being Catholic.’

Those Willful Protestants are the Victims of Protestantism.

