History’s Deadliest Disease: “Pyramid Addiction”. #38.

Catholics use Two Words to describe History's Deadliest Disease: "Pyramid Addiction"


Question 1:  “Is History easy to understand in a simple sentence?”

Answer:   “In every time and place, Pyramid Addicts enslave people to build pyramids.”


Question 2:  “Does that identify Two Groups of People on Earth?”

Answer:  “In every Age, Pyramid Addicts prey on those who love God, families, freedom, and their neighbors.”


Question 3:  “What do Pyramid Addicts do?”

Answer:  “They enslave their neighbors to build as many pyramids as they can.”


Question 4:  “Is every stone in every pyramid quarried, cut, polished, put in place, and maintained by Pyramid Addicts who turn neighbors into slaves?”

Answer:  “That’s all there is to History.  Every stone in every pyramid destroys freedom and families.”


Question 5:  “What happens when too many pyramids are built?”

Answer:  “Nations whose families have not been destroyed by Pyramid Addicts invade and destroy them.  Then, ‘Pyramid Addiction’ infects the victorious nation.  They begin building their pyramids of stones and office-holders.  That Simple History has repeated itself for at least 15,000 years.”


Question 6:   “Is there any cure for all that uselessness?”

Answer:  “God sent Moses to lead His People to freedom.  After victories over neighboring lands, they began building what would turn into their pyramids.  God sent His Son to Prophesy what would happen in Mt 24:2.  ‘Not one stone in Jerusalem will be left standing.‘  That Prophecy from Jesus about the fate of all Pyramid Addicts came true in 70 AD, when Titus  flattened the entire City of Jerusalem!”


Question 7:  “What did He Who Fulfilled over 300 Prophecies of God tell His followers to do instead of building pyramids?”

Answer:  “In Mark 12:30, Jesus told those who meaningfully believed in God to bring thoughts, words, prayers, and deeds into accord with:  “Love God and love your neighbor as yourself.’


Question 8:  “What did Rome’s Pyramid Addicts do?”

Answer:  “They killed Jesus, but not before He Spoke One Church Into Being with His Church-Creating Word to The First Catholic Pope.   Pyramid Addicts have hated Christ’s Church-Creating Word for 2,000 years:  ‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’


Question 9:  “Do Pyramid Addicts still hate The Church led by those who love God and their neighbors enough to take Holy Vows of Poverty, Celibacy, and Obedience?”

Answer:  “They hate the only cure on Earth for Pyramid Addiction.”


Question 10:  “Did God give an Appointed Time to show that The Church-Creating Words of Jesus could cure earthly kingdoms of Pyramid Addiction and make them into better places for Faith, Families, and Freedom?”

Answer:  “God’s Church gave some of the world the ‘thousand-year reign’ described in Rev 20:4.  Pyramid Addicts were replaced by Kings who listened to their Catholic Queens from Spain to Sweden.  An example:  The Catholic Church used one-third of the land in England for Catholic Churches, monasteries, convents, schools, universities, hospitals, farms, mills, mines, workshops, and accommodations for the poor.  Taxes for the few necessary government services were 5-10% of family incomes.  When Pyramid Addiction reappeared, deficit spending began, again.  Taxes went up!”


Question 11:  “Why did ‘The Thousand-year Reign’ of The Catholic Church end?”

Answer:  “After ‘The Thousand-year Reign’ (Rev 20:7-10) ended, ‘the devil was released from the abyss.’   In the 1,500s, God let Pyramid Addicts return to their insane falsehood:  ‘God wants you to build pyramids if you pretend to care about people!’


Catholics have Two Words to understand History:  Except for ‘The Thousand-year Reign’ of His One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church, Pyramid Addicts have been destroying families, children, neighbors, and nations for fourteen thousand of the past fifteen thousand years.”

Many share the Simple Fact:  “Two words, ‘Pyramid Addicts’, describe the cause of every family-destroying problem on earth.”

