God’s People have been inspired by Jeremiah for 3,000 years. #54.

Question 1:  “Why have God’s People been inspired by Jeremiah for 3,000 years?”

Answer: “Jeremiah 26:1-9 is in Today’s Catholic Reading.  He spoke God’s Word to those who ‘would listen and turn back, each from his evil way’.”


Question 2:  “What did God order Jeremiah to tell his neighbors?”

Answer:  “‘Say to them: ‘Thus says The Lord:  If you disobey Me, and not live according to the law I placed before you and not listening to the words of My servants, the prophets, I will treat this group of unbelievers like Shiloh.’


Question 3: “How did God ‘treat the unbelievers at Shiloh’?”

Answer:  ‘Around 1050 BC, God let the Philistines defeat His once-obedient people at Shioh and take away The Ark of The Covenant that God had Moses make as a Sign of God’s Presence.”


Question 4: “Does God punish disobedient people by leaving them?”

Answer:  “God abandons those who abandon Him and they are ‘made captives’ by evil people who follow ‘fallen angels’.”


Question 5:  “Why did The Jerusalem Establishment ‘lay ahold of Jeremiah’ and say ‘You must be put to death!’ when he finished speaking to the people?”

Answer:  “In every age, self-serving Profiteers of Protestantism try to take control of religious beliefs and turn people into slaves of their state.”


Question 6: “When over 300 Prophecies about Jesus came true, did self-serving people listen to Him?”

Answer:  “Jesus described them when He said in Mt 13:54-58:  ‘A prophet is not without honor except in his native place and in his own house.’


Question 7:  “Do self-serving Profiteers of Protestantism prove The Truth of His Word every time they disobey His Church-Creating Word:  ‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’?”

Two Answers:  1.  “Yes.”  2. “I do not want to think about that.”

