How do Catholics know The Prophets, Jesus, and His Disciples are the Most Truthful People in Human History?

Catholics see that God is The Connection between The Prophets, Jesus, and His Disciples.

Catholics see that God is The Connection between The Prophets, Jesus, and His Disciples.


Question 1: “What mission does The Prophet Isaiah give Catholics in Today’s Reading?”

Anwswer: “Isaiah 35:4-7 tells us what Isaiah told us to tell our beloved neighbors in Today’s Catholic Reading: ‘Thus says The Lord: ‘Say to those whose hearts are frightened, ‘Fear not! Here is your God. He comes with vindication; with divine recompense He comes to save you.’


Question 2: “Is that a Prophecy about Jesus?”

Answer: “The Disciples told us that over 40 Healing Miracles were performed by Jesus to ‘save’ people.”


Question 3: “How do we know we can trust The Disciples of Jesus to tell the truth?”

Answer: “The Disciples knew this simple fact: ‘If any of us ‘bears false witness’, God will send our soul to hell.’


Question 4: “Is that why Catholics trust Teachings of The Church about He Who Fulfilled over 300 Prophecies of Isaiah and the Prophets?”

Answer: “That is why Catholics know The Disciples told The Truth about more than forty times Jesus caused Isaiah’s Prophecy to come true: ‘Then will the eyes of the blind be opened, the ears of the deaf wil be cleared, the lame will leap like a stag, then the tongue of the mute will sing.’


Quesiton 5: “What makes This Church-Creating Word spoken by He Who Fullfilled The Prophecies to The First Catholic Pope so believable: ‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’?”

Answer: “The Catholic Church is built upon Words of God, The Prophets, Jesus, and His Disciples. Even the most ‘anti-Catholic’ people know that The Prophets, Jesus, and His Disciples are The Most Truthful People in Human History.”


Question 6: “How do Catholics know and prove that The Prophets, Jesus, and His Disciples are among The Most Truthful People in Human History?”

Answer: “All of them lived in obedience to The One Principle that crystallized in The Crucified Christ: ‘It is better to die than lie.’

