Today’s Reading: A Puzzle for Protestants!

What makes Today’s Reading “A Puzzle for Protestants”?


Question 1:  “Why is Today’s Catholic Reading from John 3:13-18, ‘A Puzzle for Protestants’?”

Answer:  “Today’s Word of God tells us:  ‘For God so loved the world that He gave His Only Son so that everyone who believes in Him might not perish but might have eternal life.’


Question 2: “Why is that Passage a ‘Puzzle for Protestants’?”

Answer: “Many Profiteers of Protestantism use that sentence to tell their donors: ‘We do not have to obey The Church-Creating Word of Jesus Christ to His First Catholic Pope: ‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’ and ‘Be Catholic’ to be saved because we are ‘Believers’!”


Question 3:  “How do Catholics explain that we need to do more than ‘believe’, but that we must be ‘Be Catholic’ because Jesus only gave ‘the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’ to His First Catholic Pope and his Successors?”

Answer:  “We ask our beloved neighbors to look at One Holy Word Jesus put in that short sentence two times:  ‘might’.  Everyone who ‘believes’ is in an unknown position.  Every ‘believer’ can understand that Jesus is Personally telling them:  You might not perish but might have eternal life’.


Question 4:  “It is clear that ‘believing’ is not enough to put us among those who cannot ‘perish’ and will have ‘eternal life’.  What should ‘believers’ do?”

Answer:  “‘Believers’ should see the word that follows ‘might’ in the next Verse!  ‘For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world but that the world might be saved through Him.’  The word ‘through’ refers to Catholic Teachings and Sacraments, which are ‘the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’ that Jesus died to leave to His First Catholic Pope and Successors.  If we do not have those ‘keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’, we cannot get ‘through’ the gates to ‘Kingdom of Heaven’.”


Question 5:  “Does the word ‘through’ refer specifically to receiving The Body and Blood of Jesus in Catholic Communion because it is ‘through’ that we are able to literally be ‘saved through Him’?”

Answer:  “May every person on earth be blessed to be saved “through” obeying The Church-Creating Word of Jesus Christ to His First Catholic Pope and his Successors and obeying The Call to Catholic Communion that Jesus repeated 12 times in John 6 and twice more at The Last Supper:  “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.”.


May the Love for Jesus be so great that every ‘believer’ will obey The Church-Creating Word of Jesus, be Catholic, receive His Actual Body and Blood by The Miracle of Transubstantiation, and ‘be saved through Him’.”

