Catholics are smart enough to Ask One Question!

Catholics are smart enough to Ask This Question:

Catholics are smart enough to Ask This Question:


Question 1:  “What question are Catholics smart enough to ask?”

Answer:  “Every Catholic wants to know:  ‘Which part of Christ’s Body am I’?”


Question 2: “What lets Catholics be smart enough to ask That Question?”

Answer:  “Today’s Catholic Reading, from 1 Cor. 12:120-14, 27-31 tells us that ‘As a body is one, though it has many parts, and all the parts of the body, though many, are one body, so also is Christ.’ connects with what Catholics know is seen today through the most powerful microscopes in History:  every person on earth is made out of 25-35 trillion living cells!”


Question 3:  “Do only Catholics meaningfully understand that each of us may be seen by God as a single, living ‘cell’ in ‘The Body of Christ’, now and at Judgment?”

Answer:  “We can begin to recognize that after being Baptized in The Name of The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit:  ‘For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one Body, whether Jews or Greeks, slaves or free persons, and we were all given to drink of one Spirit.’  Now, the body is not a single part, but many.’


Question 4: “If, after we are properly Baptized, what lets us be ‘in’ Christ’s Body?”

Answer:  “The Catholic Church is ‘The Body of Christ on earth.’  Catholics know:  ‘Now you are Christ’s Body, and individually parts of it.  Some people God has designated in the Church to be, first, Apostles; second, prophets; third, teachers;  then, mighty deeds;  then gifts of healing, assistance, administration, and varieties of tongues.’


Question 5:  “Do Catholics learn that from The Old Testament?”

Answer:  “Today’s Psalm, 100:1-5 shows the correct, ‘pre-microscope’ view:  ‘We are His people, the sheep of His flock’ who ‘sing joyfully to The Lord, serve Him with gladness, and come before Him with grateful song.  He made us, His we are, His people, the flock He tends.  His kindness endures forever and His faithfulness to all generations.’


Question 6:  “Is every ‘cell’ in The Body of Christ also a ‘sheep in His flock’?”

Answer:  “If you are smart enough to ask that question, you are smart enough to Be Catholic!   You may be one of the living cells who is fed by The Body and Blood of Jesus Christ provided by Catholic priests by whom The Miracle of Transubstantiation  turns bread and wine into His Body and Blood at every Catholic Mass since The Last Supper!”


Question 7:  “Why do you Catholics focus on that?”

Answer: “We take The Prophets seriously enough to know that He Whom they Predicted hundreds of times was ‘born in Bethlehem’ and did Speak One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church Into Being with His Church-Creating Word to The First Catholic Pope!  ‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’


Question 8:  “Do those who ‘eat that Holy Food’ go to Heaven, forever ‘obedient sheep’ in His ‘heavenly flock’?”

Answer:  “God lets Catholics make sense out of everything!  We know we live in a Creation that God began to speak into being 15 trillion light years ago which is 30 trillion light years in diameter.  All of it exists so that Jesus could come to earth and let us be living parts of His Holy Body.”


Question 9:  “Can a person who is not Catholic get into Heaven?”

Answer:  “There is hope in Luke 7:11-17.  In the city of Nain, ‘a man who had died was being carried out, the only son of a widow.  When Jesus saw her, He was moved with pity for her, and said ‘Do not weep’.  Then, Jesus stepped forward and touched the coffin, and He said:  ‘Young Man, I tell you, arise!’


Jesus may give “life” to “those who are not Catholic through no fault of their own.”


