How do Catholics see clearly enough to connect dots that are 15 trillion light years apart.

Question 1:  “How do Catholics see clearly enough to connect dots that are 15 trillion light years apart?”

Question 1:  “How do Catholics see clearly enough to connect dots that are 15 trillion light years apart?”

Answer:  “Catholics can connect ourselves directly to Jesus Christ and the simple fact that God’s Creation Program began to be downloaded 15 trillion light years ago when He said: ‘Let there be light.’


Question 2:  “Who discovered that God Spoke That Word that trillions of light years ago?”

Answer:  “A Catholic priest from Belgium, Fr. Georges LeMaitre, was the first to see that the most powerful telescopes in History could let him measure the outward movement of stars and galaxies in our expanding Universe.  He calculated the speed at which they were moving.  He was blessed with the Wisdom to see that God’s Program began to be downloaded 8 trillion light years ago, on ‘The Day that had no Yesterday’.”


Question 3:  “‘Le Maitre’ means ‘ the master’.  Was Fr. Le Maitre the first to ‘master’ the thinking that let even more powerful telescopes let us see that God began to download His Creation Program 15 trillion light years ago?”

Answer:  “The huge Hubble Telescope has been orbiting the earth without having light distorted by earth’s atmosphere since 1990.  The Webb Telescope has been orbiting the sun since 2021.  Catholics see more clearly than ever to how ‘connect more of the dots’ between God, Time, and the orderly molecules of every human Mind.”


Question 4:  “Is there an easy way to get a sense of time and space?”

Answer:  “It takes 8.2 minutes for light to travel from the sun to Earth.  That distance is 93,000,000 miles or 150,000,000 kilometers.  In an hour, light travels about 11 million miles or 16 million km.


Question 5:  “Do more powerful microscopes let us see ‘Another Reson to be Catholic?’

Answer:  “We see that our minds and bodies are made of 28-38 trillion ‘living cells’.    Each cell is made of 42 million molecules that put a hundred trillion atoms in the Logical Order that takes form in each one of us.”


Question 6:  “How do Catholics make sense of all those Big Numbers?”

Answer:  “We see they could not be ‘random’!  Our organized cells live among organized galaxies, stars, and planets.  All is in The Creation Program.  That ‘Order’ can only come from God, The Loving Programmer.”



Question 7:  “Why did God go to all that trouble?”

Answer:  “God is Three Things:  Truth, Love, and Justice.  His Creation Program began to be downloaded at least 15 trillion light-years ago to provide His Truth, Love, and Justice for people blessed to use their Free Will to follow Him.”


Question 8:  “Do those who follow God most meaningfully know that His Order took form in The One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church Spoken Into Being by The Church-Creating Word of Jesus Christ to His First Catholic Pope:  ‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’?

Answer:  “God wanted to make His Love for us clear by letting us choose to let Him live IN us!  He took Human Form.  Then, He sacrificed His Human Life to leave One Church on Earth empowered to provide His Body and Blood in Catholic Communion, telling us 14 times:  ‘If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.’


Question 8:  “Why do some people resist believing in a God Who could or would do that?”

Answer:  “Confusion keeps those who do not have enough love for God in their souls from believing in a God Who loved us so much that He would sacrifice Himself, both in Jerusalem and at Every Catholic Mass, to let us have His Order in our life.”


Question 9:   “How can we keep confusion from letting us have His ‘Life in’ us?”

Answer:  “May all be blessed to see the lack of confusion in The Loving Programmer’s Creation Program.




