How do Catholics see “dots of light” behind our eyes?

Some people can see “dots of light” from distant galaxies and not see God’s “dots of light” inside their minds.

Some people can see “dots of light” from distant galaxies and not see God’s “dots of light” inside their minds.


Question 1:  “God programmed The Creation Program with ‘dots’.  Galaxies, stars, and planets are ‘dots’ spinning through space according to ‘The Dot-Maker’s Program’.  How do waves of light turn into ‘dots’ in our mind?”

Answer:  “No one sees how ‘dots’ of light come through our eyeball, our optic nerve, and are downloaded into our brain.  No one knows how ‘dots’ of light we have seen in the past reappear so that we can say:  ‘I know you!  We met at a birthday party years ago!’


Question 2:  “We can see that ‘dots of light’ fit in our memory banks a handspan away from each other.  How does our brain connect ‘dots’ from different places inside our mind?”

Answer:  “Our ‘spirit’ combines ‘dots of light’ from different places in our minds to form ‘thoughts’ by turning ‘dots of light’ into ‘words’.”


Question 3:  “What makes ‘words’ in The Bible different from other ‘words’?”

Answer:  “‘Words’ in The Bible are made from ‘dots of light’ that God let His Prophets see and turn into ‘words’ that people can understand.  Those ‘words’ let God’s ‘light’ shine in some minds.”


Question 4:  “What about ‘Words of Jesus’?”

Answer:  “When Jesus Spoke These Words at The Last Supper:  ‘If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.’, Jesus has The Power to turn bread and wine into His Body and Blood with His Words.


Question 5:  “Catholic priests are Ordained in Living Link with His First Catholic Bishops.  Do they also have His Power to preside over The Miracle of Transubstantiation and turn bread and wine into The Body and Blood of Jesus at Every Catholic Mass?”

Answer:  “That is why He Spoke One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church Into Being with His Church-Creating Word to His First Catholic Pope!   ‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’


Question 6:  “Why isn’t everyone who reads The Church-Creating Words of Jesus Christ in His Catholic Church?”

Answer:  “Some people do not want to connect ‘dots of light’ they see shining inside their own minds.”


Question 7: “What ‘dots of light’ do those people choose to see?”

Answer:  “They want to see ‘words’ that tell them how wonderful they are.”


