Why it helps to think of God as “The Dot-Maker”:

Catholics are like bloodhounds.  We search for the ‘dots’ that lead us to “The Dot-Maker”.

Catholics are like bloodhounds.  We search for the ‘dots’ that lead us to “The Dot-Maker”.


Question 1: “Why should we think of God as ‘The Dot-Maker’?”

Answer:  “Because God makes ‘dots’!  Some of his smallest ‘dots’ are different kinds of electrons that come together to form atom-sized ‘dots’.  Some of them come together to form ‘molecular dots’.  Many of those ‘dots’ make living cells that form living bodies from bacteria to whales. All are energized by living rivers of ‘dots’, like photons. God is ‘The Dot-Maker’! ”


Question 2:  “How does relate to me?”

Answer:  “It gives us a perspective that helps us see The Loving Programmer and His Creation Program more clearly!


Question 3:  “Do Catholics have another name to describe God?”

Answer:  “We call Him ‘The Loving Programmer’ because He is!  His Creation Program is ‘downloaded’ in ‘dots’!  His different kinds of ‘dots’ make the earth, the sun, and everything from stars to swamps.”


Question 4:  “Does God want us to see Him more clearly?”

Answer:  “Yes!  Catholic thinking is not limited by popular, Conventional Reality.  Every Catholic Description of God lets us see Him more clearly as we arrange the ‘dots’ in our mind to think and live more in His Order.  We have several ways of seeing God:

  1. Catholics see One God in Three Persons identified as ‘Father, Son, and Holy Spirit’.
  2. Catholics realize The Holy Trinity is ‘The Loving Programmer’, Program’ and ‘Programming’.”
  3. The Trinity is also described as ‘Truth’, ‘Love’, and ‘Justice’ Who often radiate ‘Mercy’.
  4. Sometimes, this simple description helps:  ‘Dot-Maker’, ‘Dots’, and ‘Compilations’.


Question 5:  “Are there different kinds of ‘dots’?

Answer:  There are three kinds of ‘dots’.  Some ‘dots’ are dead.  Some ‘dots’ take Living Forms.  Some ‘dots’ live forever.'”


Question 6:  “What kind of ‘dots’ live forever?”

Answer:  “Each human soul is a ‘living dot’ that will live forever in Heaven or hell.  All other ‘dots’ are put in place to help us choose to get our ‘immortal dot’ into Heaven.”


Question 7:  “How do we get the ‘immortal dot’ that is our soul into Heaven?

Answer:  “Catholics are blessed to see that He Who Fulfilled The Prophecies gave ‘the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’ to His First Catholic Pope:  ‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’


The entire Creation Program was written and downloaded so that every person would have a chance to get their soul into Heaven.  Like bloodhounds, Catholics hunt for the ‘dots’ that lead us to “The Dot-Maker”.



